Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Julie & Julia

So, being the foodie that I am, of COURSE I saw this movie and of COURSE I saw it opening weekend. It was very cute. The best part of the whole show was watching it with a foodie audience. I saw it in Union Square New York, which, with the farmer's market and all the restaurants, we know it's a mecca of food.

The best part was when Julie pulled out a duck, someone in the audience made a loud "MMmmmmm yea!" It was HILARIOUS. The movie inspired me to cook more (though I'm not gung-ho enough to cook through a cookbook). I'm definitely going to try to cook new recipes more. Check out the movie, Meryl Streep was a spitting image of Julia Child.

Bond St

6 Bond Street
New York, NY 10012

The food here at Bond St is outstanding. All the dishes we had were masterfully created and wonderfully executed. What makes this dining establish truly exceptional are the sauces. The chef ingeniously blends the flavors and perfectly compliments the sauce/coulis/puree/dressing to the main item. The result is not an over powering flavor, but rather a taste that is a perfect balance and harmony in one's mouth.

I did the tasting plate and there were perfect bite sized options that were little bundles of joy in my mouth--each different and truly a unique experience in itself. The chilean see bass was amazingly complimented with a sake infused sauce that was mind blowing. What was truly marvelous was the ginger salad. Now, if you've been to ay sushi restaurant, you've had the ginger salad with dressing that is a pale yellow and slightly pasty. The flavor is either too bland or too much. But the ginger salad at BondSt blew my mind! Do not expect your run-of-the-mill, in the bottle experience here. The flavors from the ginger salad were deep and plentiful- yet not overpowering. I am merely mentioning the salad, not because it was the best dish I had (I had too many "best" choices to choose from!), but becuase it is the only tangible way I know to reach across to a wide audience about how truly exceptional this dining experience was.

Go to Bond St. Don't get the normal, plain rolls. Venture out. You won't be dissapointed.

North Square

North Square
103 Waverly Place
New York, NY 10011

I had brunch here and in tough times like this- the brunch menu was fiscally AMAZING. First, I love that chicken sausage is the staple here. Second, the prices are affordable and the food is of very high quality. I was very happy with my Pumpkin Pecan pancakes (fruit and chicken sausage included) and truly had a tasty and affordable meal! I was expecting the pumpkin flavor to be overpowering but I was surprised at the subtle flavors of the pumpkin (I was expecting pumpkin bread, in pancake form). I was pleasantly surprised at the mild cinnamon and pumpkin flavor. I could actually taste the buttermilk!

Moreover, I'm a huge fan of bread baskets. I love variety and a mix while I wait for my meal. The bread here was wonderful. There was a cranberry walnut loaf that had a good balance of sweet and nutty yet neither the walnuts nor the cranberries were overpowering. Usually, fruit/nut breads are so strong in their "fruitiness" or "nuttiness" that they overpower the yeasty/yumminess that is bread. Many people do not realize that fruits and nuts are meant to compliment and not to star in the bread. Here, there was a perfect balance. Yes, I did just write an entire paragraph about the table bread. Man, it's late!